What Does My Diagnosis Mean: Grading and Staging of Prostate Cancer?

Grading tells us how aggressive the cancer is, while staging shows how far it has spread.

Grading: The Gleason Score
The Gleason Score is a method used to determine the aggressiveness of prostate cancer. It ranges from 2 to 10, with higher scores indicating a higher risk of the cancer spreading.

The score is based on two components:

  • Primary Gleason Grade: The most common tumor pattern, scored from 1 to 5.
  • Secondary Gleason Grade: The second most common tumor pattern, also scored from 1 to 5.

The Gleason Score is the sum of these two grades. For example, a Gleason Score of 7 might be made up of a primary grade of 3 and a secondary grade of 4.

Staging: How Far Has the Cancer Spread?

Staging helps determine the extent of the cancer’s spread in the body. Two common systems are used:

1. TNM Staging System

T (Tumor): Size and extent of the primary tumor
T1: Cancer cannot be felt or seen
T2: Cancer is confined to the prostate gland
T3-T4: Cancer has spread beyond the prostate

N (Nodes): Involvement of lymph nodes
N1: Small tumor in one lymph node
N2: Medium-sized tumor or multiple small tumors
N3: Large tumor in one or more lymph nodes

M (Metastasis): Cancer spread beyond the lymph nodes
M1a: Cancer has spread slightly beyond the nodes
M1b: Cancer has spread to the bones
M1c: Cancer has spread to other organs

Whitmore-Jewett Staging System
– Stage A: Cancer is microscopic and cannot be felt
– Stage B: Cancer is detectable but contained within the prostate
– Stage C: Cancer has spread to surrounding tissues
– Stage D: Cancer has spread to bones or other organs

By understanding grading and staging, men and their healthcare providers can better decide on the most appropriate treatment plan. Talk to your doctor about screening options, and take charge of your health.

What is Prostate?

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