Each One
Teach One
Welcome to our other resources section featuring speakers and presentations from past events.
2020 Walnut
The Impact of
Early Detection and
Awareness on Prostate
Cancer Outcomes for
Black Men
Afro-Caribbean Cancer Consortium. Senior lecturer in the UWI Faculty of Medical Sciences and Director of the UWI School of Clinical Medicine and Research, The Bahamas.
Many Manly Men Avoid
Their Prostate –
A Story of Delay, Denial
and De-sex
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Senior staff Psychologist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
Back to Basics –
Understanding Prostate
Cancer and the Various
Symptoms and Impacts
Diplomat of the American Board of Urology Antigua and Barbuda. Diplomat of the American Board of Urology, Antigua & Barbuda.
Prostate Cancer in
Canada: The Need for
Race-Based Data
Research Scientist & Associate Professor University of Toronto. Associate Professor and Clinician Scientist, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto.
The Future of Cancer Care
in the midst of COVID-19.
An Interview with
Dr. Andrew Feifer
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Trillium Health Network, Associate Professor, Urology, University of Toronto. Bahamas.
Peer Support during
Prostate Cancer.
A Movember Video Presentation.